Busy Weekend For Liverpool Volunteers
By 2nd Assistant Chief John Laakso
June 18, 2018

Starting Saturday morning, Liverpool was dispatched to a fire alarm at the Buckley Square Senior Apartments. Upon arrival of Engine 1, smoke was present in the hallway leading to a small fire in the laundry room. Always a good reminder to take a fire alarm seriously!

Saturday night, Truck 2 and Engine 1 were requested to Moyers Corners as a move up to provide protection to their fire district while they were operating at a signal 99 (working fire).

Sunday morning WR-1 assisted the Jamesville FD in providing addition water support and coverage during the Ironman race.

Sunday night, Moyers Corners was hit out for another house fire, bringing Truck 2 as a move up to their station 2.

These are just some of the calls the volunteers handled over the past 48 hours. Do you have what it takes to volunteer?!?!